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Hey, I'm Sarah.


I'm passionate about helping women nourish their mind, body and souls!

In addition to nutrition coaching and holistic health therapies such as Reiki, Swedish massage, Indian head massage, and sound healing, I also provide Reiki courses and attunements and host wellness retreats in the Lake District, England. 


I'm a fully qualified and ANutr registered Nutritionist and hold a  BSc (Hons) degree, and hold a diploma as a Eating Pyschology Coach. I have over 12 years of experience working in the NHS in the UK, specialising in weight management, lifestyle management and behavioural change. I provide personalised one-on-one nutritional and health holistic support and health coaching, with a caring and compassionate approach. 


Like many people, my life has presented numerous lessons and challenges. Yet, by altering my perspective on life, embracing self-awareness, self-compassion, meditation, and mindfulness, I now view my journey as transformational and profoundly healing. Drawing from workshops and the many courses I've attended, as well as my personal journey towards health and healing, I am passionate about guiding and empowering others to realise their own potential in leading a life that is healthier, happier, and more harmonious.


My Philosophy
I hold the belief that self-healing is within everyone's capability. My aim is to help my clients connect with their inner wisdom, unlocking their natural healing abilities. Each and evey one of my clients are approached with compassion, respect, and an in-depth appreciation of the mind-body-spirit connection.


About me

I feel extremely grateful to have grown up in an idyllic part of the UK - The Lake District. After a few years of city life, back in Cumbria is where I have firmly burrowed my roots. I enjoy the glorious landscape and an easy-going country lifestyle, which has enabled me to have many hobbies that bring me joy; such as hiking and spending time nature.


From a really young age (about 3!) my dad taught me how to grow and tend to the plants in our orchard garden, care for our chickens and grow vegetables. I started growing my own organic vegetables at home in 2017, and I thrive when my hands are in the mud in my garden.​


I brought daily meditation and mindfulness into my life a few years ago, and without trying to sound as though I am following a "meditation movement" it really has changed my life. I am less anxious in all situations, and those situations that I would have avoided before, seem far less terrifying. I'm not saying that I never get anxious now, but I would describe it as my thoughts now being somewhat safely contained, and not spiraling out of control! I now teach this to my clients, and hold numourous in-person workshops and events. 

Vegetable Picking
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