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Nutrition Coaching

I'll let you in on a little secret.......diets don't work! 


If you want long lasting changes to your health and weight, you need to take a different approach, and it’s my mission to help you BREAK FREE from diet culture, and transform and heal your relationship with food.


"Are you ready for next level discovery?"

  • Are you a busy women, looking for an effective way to lose weight for good?
  • Do you comfort eat? You reach for sweets, savory snacks or alcohol when you feel stressed, anxious, upset or tired?
  • Are you a serial "dieter"? You've you tried almost all the diets, but never really managed to get long-lasting results?
  • Does your emotional eating, or poor relationship with food get in your way of you achieving a healthy weight?

It's time to change, for good!

For the past 12 years, I have worked clinically in NHS weight management programmes across Cumbria in the UK, helping hundreds of people make and maintain sustainable lifestyle changes, and improve their health. 


Finally take control of your food and health!!


As a Nutritionist working within the NHS for 12 years, I have worked with thousands of clients, enabling and encouraging healthy and long lasting changes to thier health. 


"Does this sound like you?"

- You're fed up with constant yoyo dieting.

- You feel like you're constantly trying new diets and fads.

- You wish you could stop judging your body, and comparing yourself.

Image by Drew Dizzy Graham

The Transform & Heal Programme

It's time to ditch dieting. Transform and heal your relationship with food instead!


Diet culture has conditioned you to think that healthy behaviour change is ALL or NOTHING and if you don't folow a "plan" then you wil never succeed.


Diet culture has made you believe that if you don't see the results that the diet promises, then you are a failure! It's so draining, isn't it? And every time this happens, we get hit by another wave of self-doubt that just keeps reigniting the feeling that we’ve failed, each time we repeat the dieting cycle. No wonder you've been feeling like you're letting yourself down!


The good news is, there's another way to be healthy, reach your goals and maintain a weight that feels right for you!

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